And here comes my spring collection. Dare I say, it felt like giving birth. Maybe even better.
It is my biggest collection so far, and I have to say I truly enjoy the fact that my ideas keep growing from collection to collection. What started out as my first full collection consisted of 10 looks a year ago has developed into a 26-look collection for spring.
Basuically I started with no exact direction nor an inspiration board. What I had stuck in my head was this creepy story of a woman being cheated by her husband and her moods throughout - which eventually leads to her murdering the man and showing her two sides. The transparent parts of the clothes represent the painful holes in her heart, the pantless looks give you a hint of her state of mind and the romantic moon print perfectly catches the flashbacks of her once perfect relationship. But once the "accident" has been commited, her life takes two style directions - she starts showing off her mourning side for the public by wearing black clothes with a big dose of sexiness (saying "I'm a free bitch baby!") while the other side is the innocent-like-a-virgin one which clearly defends her decision of commiting the much needed homocide.
Look wise, the collection has it all - the signature asymmetrical hem, a new, more casual approach to the M-shaped dress with spaghetti straps as well as the standard thigh-high slit gowns which look ultra sexy no matter the color or style. The collection also has a romantic moon print incorporated into several looks that comes in two color combinations. With the balance between the light colored and the sexier black pieces, this collection is perfect for every woman's taste - and her sense of luxury and style.
Full Collection

*NOTE* Click to zoom
Don't forget to leave your comments in the comment box below and express your opinion about the collection.
Every single item/picture is stunning, absolutely no fault whatsoever!!! I wish I had the amazing talent that you do!!!
Love K xxx
Beautiful! Follow my blog !
amazing pics....really gorgeous collection...
I really, really like it!
The evening dresses with boody looks wonderfull!
nice .
Thanks everyone, I appreciate your comments a lot :)
Your drawings and clothes are really beautiful.
phenomenal. really. following your blog now. :)
It is very good, but every piece looked the same.
hey like the collection and the style of the presentation! would love to know what painting program you're using. i use coral draw but i always love to hear what other fashion designers are using! i wish you a blessed christmas and lots of success in the fashion industry! greetings from germany, melanie
wow. my favorite dress is the number 12/27 i want it haha.. i love it .. i like fashion, im not a designer but def if u sell those dresses on a store ill try them! you can follow my blog and coment on my page.. ill post in my page your blog.. is so good:D .. and my facebook page Makeup n' Trends ;D
I absolutely love this collection..
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I love the story behind your designs! I also love how you made her "innocence" be stained with her husbands "blood" in the end. I really love your blog!
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