Hello everyone. I am *drums* the "Mystery Blogger"!
My name is Hayley (surfsandandsun), but I would like to keep myself anonymous.
Today, we are going to trash Dodence_bt!! Omg, isn't that interesting?! I know that many people have done it and failed, but I am genius!
Okay, first of all.. I am asking myself how did Dodence_bt become famous.
I think it was because he is an attention seeker... no wait. I think it was because of his amazing designs which were shown all over Stardoll blogs.
Anyway, some time ago I posted another shitty post on Ashley's amazing blog which was full of lies and guess what - Dodence_bt commented on it saying that it was full of lies and he told me the truth! Imagine! He's so obsessed with Stardoll, isn't he?! I mean come on, like I would know who's account is Tchen, I am a stupid blogger who posts lies for God's sake!
Just look at this picture! He's an oh-so-mean backstabber, isn't he?!
*NOTE* Click to zoom
Btw, you totally can't see from the picture who am I, right?
Imagine what Mario told me after this! That the reason why he was 1 minute ago was that he was logging on Stardoll for news and messages from his friend's computer occassionly.
I am glad he told me, I should fix my mistakes and lies, like in every post.
Anyway, that was all I had to say! Oh btw, Mario told me that if I wanna write an anonymous post again I should totally hide my name on the picture! I should listen to him I guess!
For all people who don't know what I'm talking about, here's the link :D
Today, we are going to trash Dodence_bt!! Omg, isn't that interesting?! I know that many people have done it and failed, but I am genius!
Okay, first of all.. I am asking myself how did Dodence_bt become famous.
I think it was because he is an attention seeker... no wait. I think it was because of his amazing designs which were shown all over Stardoll blogs.
Anyway, some time ago I posted another shitty post on Ashley's amazing blog which was full of lies and guess what - Dodence_bt commented on it saying that it was full of lies and he told me the truth! Imagine! He's so obsessed with Stardoll, isn't he?! I mean come on, like I would know who's account is Tchen, I am a stupid blogger who posts lies for God's sake!
Just look at this picture! He's an oh-so-mean backstabber, isn't he?!

Btw, you totally can't see from the picture who am I, right?
Imagine what Mario told me after this! That the reason why he was 1 minute ago was that he was logging on Stardoll for news and messages from his friend's computer occassionly.
I am glad he told me, I should fix my mistakes and lies, like in every post.
Anyway, that was all I had to say! Oh btw, Mario told me that if I wanna write an anonymous post again I should totally hide my name on the picture! I should listen to him I guess!
For all people who don't know what I'm talking about, here's the link :D
Oh my god! I am laughing so hard, ahahah!
Thank you for humoring me, THE BEST post I have EVER read.
I love you, you little oh-so mean backstabber for making me laugh! (like everyone else loves you, just way, way more)
Hayley,Hayley,poor little Hayley..i mean mystery blogger :o
Mia,i don't think that everyone likes homophobes :|
Why would Dodence_bt allow this to be posted on his blog?
Hey, both of you guys are in the wrong. Stop the sillyness. I just hope both of you guys are nothing like that in real life. I don't want to know the whole back story, so carry on.
Oh my god, i just... LOVED IT! so funny, im seriously laughing out loud
star_scape, learn to recognize sarcasm. He's the one that wrote it.
I did read the post of that girl , and I must admit that she it TOTALLY RIGHT !
And Mario , when you tell people that your computer doesn't work you also can't go on stardoll :( , maby your brains were on vacation : Dramaqueens can have that sometimes Ö
x3 lady_laura_xxx
Dude, this is totally not worth it.
I really don't care what you think of me, I give up.
We both got our revenge, so are we square?
Mario , I already was so far that you were on another computer ...
Gosh , some people can be braindead Ö
Like you.
Mario, do you know if there are any other people on stardoll that make designs like you? could you write their blog adresses?maybe in a post or something?
Hmm... not much of a mystery...
whatever ....
EPIC FAIL... AGAIN! First on Perez's blog now here on Mario's blog? How sad.
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