Hello everyone.
I am sorry for not posting for few days, I was on vacation.
Well I have some great news for all of you (not for me unfortunately).
While I was on vacation something bad happened. I made an editorial for Glamour Magazine's next issue like no-one has ever done before.
It was supposed to be the "big secret" until my lovely friend Mia sent the editorial to the even lovelier Angela.
Both of them showed the graphics to many people so I said - since many people have them, why not share them with the world :)
So, here are the 6 graphics I made for it. They will still be included in the next issue of Glamour Magazine.

*NOTE* Click to zoom
These aren't the final versions of the graphics, some of the models need accessories and I am definitely going to add some more text and make it more professional.
You will have to wait for the issue release for the rest of it ;)
I hope you like it.
Btw, a big thanks to Angela and Mia for showing my amazing graphics to the world. It helped a lot :)
Well I have some great news for all of you (not for me unfortunately).
While I was on vacation something bad happened. I made an editorial for Glamour Magazine's next issue like no-one has ever done before.
It was supposed to be the "big secret" until my lovely friend Mia sent the editorial to the even lovelier Angela.
Both of them showed the graphics to many people so I said - since many people have them, why not share them with the world :)
So, here are the 6 graphics I made for it. They will still be included in the next issue of Glamour Magazine.

These aren't the final versions of the graphics, some of the models need accessories and I am definitely going to add some more text and make it more professional.
You will have to wait for the issue release for the rest of it ;)
I hope you like it.
Btw, a big thanks to Angela and Mia for showing my amazing graphics to the world. It helped a lot :)
Aren't you like furious? Because you should be. First, Mia and Angelica stole you from Arna, and now they try to ruïn you! It's obvious, and you shouldn't thank them. Or its sarcasm and I'm just being stupid, haha.
Amazing graphics as usual!
Looking forward to next issue.
It's actually sarcasm. lol
But I am not even furious at them. Idk why. I should be xD
Yeah you should.
I see you aren't friends with them anymore,
thats a great thing!
I had these from before.
And shit,last issue's graphics were a lot better...These poses are bland.
Great Mario! But I'm sorry they got out. Someone even sent me the Marchesa one. Still one of the best editorials I've ever seen.
You made graphics on a vacation?
Nothing lasts forever; that happened to our friendship. You really should hate me though, and if we wanted to ruin you.. do I even need to remind you about all the other stuff you sent me? No, if I wanted to be bitchy I would have leaked them, not your graphics, I have my reasons, but I must admit that this time I went too far. You can't just do something awful and then say you're sorry, right?
Oh, and by the way; I never was a part of showing your graphics to others, I just gave 3 of them to Ang. It doesn't make me a better person, but it sucks to be blamed for something I did not do.
I didn't make them on vacation idiot. --
I made them before I go on vacation.
Those are really gorgeous! Really detailed dresses!The versace dress is my fav!
Amazing graphics? A bit self-centered much?
I LOVE the first Versace, Dior, and Marchesa one!
And to anonymous above- isn't it the truth?
So? Nothing justifies him saying all that.
Dude, I´ve said it about.. err million times and ill say it again, You have some talents. :P
those are like aweeeesum graphics.
And woah, them two went low o_O
Amaing Mario !
I love the details and the rain.
Great job. Too bad they were leaked
Trying to win Mario back, Arna?
Mario, be smart and quite this xraziness of stardoll world , u can be better as real fashion designer
@ Vamplady, thats such a stupid comment. What he does here, is draw dresses on the computer. Dresses that someone else designed. For a real fashion designer, you need other skills, like fascination and imagination to come up with your own designs.
I sew myself and make wearable things, and making a Haute Couture garment is beyond reality, as you must be really talented. I have been sewing for 3 years, and have became really good but making complicated gowns -is possible- but oh-so-hard.
Sweet Anonymous below me, I am a fashion designer sweetheart and I am sure I have more creativity than you :)
I have over 1000 sketches at home, what I do here is make my own magazine. Fashion designing is saved for real life.
First of, I am the anonymous below you but you must mean the anonymous above you. Second, show us those sketches. And I'm not so sure about the 1000.
I <3 people how can draw fierce haute couture clothes but I can bet'cha that you haven't sewed a single item. Try just making a fitted corsett gown al'a Dreamgirl with tulle.
I wrote the comment with I have been sewing for 3 years, and not the other 2. I was really just telling the girl/boy how hard it is making a dress for real life. Drawing is good, i do it to, but sewing is completley different. I was anonymous bcs I was to lazy to log in =)
I wrote the post to the anonymous, lol =)
Okej, i will like I didn't make my point very clear :s
The first anonymous said that making virtual dresses and making them in real life is 2 completley different things, and I said in the other comment that it was.
Then you wrote that you draw dresses, and I belive that you are very creative.
Then I wrote that it is very hard making dresses.
Everyone got my point :P?
I'm not trying to become non-friends with anyone ! :)
Actually I thought those people were the same person :D lol
I meant to the person above you, and for the one below me, I will don't worry :)
Phhh *relived* :P
Anonymous said...
Trying to win Mario back, Arna?
Me and mario have actually been friends for well long now, not best friends but friends..
forget the comment above.. We WERE friends.
Dare to show us those sketches.
who's Angela? :s
He probably means angelica. Or her real name is angela.
Calm down Anon..
(above me)
Calm down yourself
What a furious Anonymous we have here.. my, my.. ;D
lmao. You're really excited to see the drawings, aren't you.
He just has to prove he isn't lying, which he probably is.
Mario , you ROCK !!
haha those are again awesome , I don't know how you do it ... but you do it good :p
x3 Laura aka lady_laura_xxx (yes I have blogger but I'm lazy today)
hey! umm, take a look at this: http:// tinypic . com/view . php?pic=2nw1jps&s=3 (without spaces)
i modificated the "Marchesa" image. hope you like it!
btw, cool blog!
Like, wtf Becky. Why would he need your help? You're just trying to get a job at his magazine. And what you did what fucking ugly. It looks like her arms are one big thing that goes from one shoulder to the other.
You should work on your shading a little bit..
It could use a lot of improvement.
x E
Sure, and you sweetheart are some expert? :)
i ám a professional graphic designer, so i hope so ;)
You should learn to handle criticism a little bit better ;)
x E
Seriously mario, you are so fuck up in your own little world of perfectness, that can not even handle criticism. Episode is one of the nicest people on stardoll, and she is just giving you some advice. If you can't handle that, why dont you like crawl under a rock and die, because you are not worth living.
Professional graphic designer? Where is your blog? Your graphics?
And I wonder who that anonymous is defending you.. :)
haha, as if a designer who is working for a company would actually post things on a 'blog'...
I don't think so honey...
x E
Oh, so you're a designer who works for a company! Well show us the pictures on the company's website! Or maybe upload them on tinypic?
It's a pity that you are being so arrogant and defensive instead of being nice and just taking the advice.
You want people to kiss your ass and if they don't; they are "jealous" and 'don't know what they're talking about'.
But i dó know what I'm talking about and without others people criticism and opinions you won't improve and you're attitude will get you nowhere...trust me.
And looking at your comments, people are already turning on you so it seems like I'm right :)
Bye now!
x E
Just as I thought.
No mario, you should really listen to people!
Episode is totally right, but you are so stuck up that you can't even think anymore. You are OBSESSED with stardoll, even though it is supposed to be just a game. All you want is fame, but you can not get fame without friends, which you obviously don't have. Your reaction to Episode shows that you know that she is right, you are just too fucking arrogant to admit it, and again you know that what I am saying is absolutely true. I could go on like this for hours, but I have a life (which you do not have, as you said that you worked for hours on a roiworld design), so I guess this is the end. If you need any tips, ask me! You wont though, you are too defensive.
"Just as I thought." - that's all you have too say?
I don't understand where your arrogance comes from, because you don't have enough talent too back it up sorry to say :S
x 'jealous' Episode
Still vain I think. And most people who start of with "I don't mean to be" usually they're saying exactly the opposite. Well I'm must be jealous also then, being sarcastic if I don't agree with you. I must say some of the other comments are right on you seem too into being fake and being notice. Even though I don’t know you well there is also such a thing as online impression, and so far I’m getting fake and confused from you, I can sense it. And if you keep saying you’re a "fashion designer" where is your label? Even the young ones 13-20 who are on a budget or cheap still have their name out there, they find a way. Have you even read or been to study fashion or art at college? Unless you’re a self taught and gotten some press you’re not a true designer. And copying and redrawing over dresses does not qualify as being an artist or internet designer (and yes I know about a little about the fashion/ art, since I’m a young teacher in training (not art), and also drew a bit when younger). We all can be creative in any way, but copying is not. For once make some thing real on your own, be a leader and stop TRYING to be someone else your not. O and I bet you’re going to cry wolf, and say omg you’re a bitch, etc. There is more to life than being popular. One thing I don’t like is to see people who try too hard in a negative way to get ahead. I can see you may have something going for you, when it comes to drawing, but the way you keep putting it out there is getting annoying. Just do what you need to do when it comes to drawing and someday you will be discovered. Just stop sounding so rude and negative. If you do that people will see right through you and won’t take you seriously.
No one has to prove nothing and so do you to others, if you and they say who they are, fine if they're not it's not your issue, people lie all the time.
They have nothing to hide you have nothing to hide? You know who or what you can do, no need to beat around the bush with them.
One of my silly favorite quotes. "Don't argue with a fool because people from a distance can't tell which one is which."
Again this is just my opinion, if you can’t take it in just move to the next one. And if you need someone to talk to (who doesn’t), I’m a good listener kind of. You know where to find me.
That anonymous nailed it.
I wonder what kind of person spends their precious time on writing shit I can't even bother to read. O_O
see mario, your comment proves that you read it and that you know that its true.
Thanks both anonymous. I say all of that because it seems you just don't get it Mario and, because I care enough not only about you(and I'm not bull shiting you), but mostly others also. And I'm not just typing to type in space. If I didn't CARE(which is rare, because I'm not a people person) I wouldn't say anything, and would let you dig your own grave or left some dumb crazy comment(which you seem to like or be used to).
Sooner or later you'll get it. And you have to get rid of that negative I don't care, let me yell/cuss at everyone feeling. As you maybe heard before, "Treat people how you want to be treated".
I'm not an expert or anything(just been there), but I'm just getting tired and losing some faith in the younger ones, especially the ones like yourself it's a little sad really. There's so much more out there than this, again if you need to talk you know where to find me.
Woow a whole drama out here...
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