Thursday, April 9, 2009

LE competition?!

Wow, Stardoll always knows how to surprise us!
And this time, the new LE collection is coming soon, and with it, I think we are getting some kind of a competition.
See for yourself!

Is this some kind of a competition? Tell me what you think! :)


arna-rut said...

sounds like they're just telling the virtual fashionistas about how the virtual fashion is...

Gabrielle said...

Don't know about a competition but if the prize is LE that could turn ugly amongst winners and desperate hackers

By the way, Love the top banner :)

Fashion.girl said...

Don't think it is a competition, but if there is the new LE coming out it really sounds great!
i love the Floral bathing suit.
they may just be informing fashionistas on the upcoming collection.

Lauren said...

looks hot. Gotta buy!!

Halmonkey3 said...

It look great! Mario, where did you find these pics though? They're not in the stardoll magazine.

Mario Dodovski said...

Have you ever heard of spoilers? :)

Halmonkey3 said...

I have heard of spoilers haha, but how exactly do you get them? I only saw the LE charm in the cheat for seeing upcoming items.

Mario Dodovski said...

Actually I have access for every spoiler! :)
Dolls, marketing, clothes... everything.

Halmonkey3 said...

Wow nice haha :) There's no way you would share your secret with anyone right? It's okay though hehe.